Finances, fun activities, and feedback on tech: Up to $400 per study for 9/13/24
Check out the studies below for opportunities to earn hundreds of dollars for your opinion. These studies have been selected to appeal to a broad audience to give you the best chances of being selected.
- Activity Vlogging Study
- Type: Unmoderated Task
- Description: Do you like to get out and stay active? In this study, you can get paid for it! You will be expected to complete a multi-day vlogging task on your own time, taking part in activities like exercising and visiting a local grocery store to buy a beverage.
- Format: Online
- Compensation: $100 choice of digital gift cards (covers payments made during the study as well)
- Duration: 90 minutes over multiple days
- Study dates: 9/24
- Requirements: You must have a smartphone to record your vlogs.
- Apply here: Activity Vlogging Study

- Discussion on Home Needs
- Type: Focus Group
- Description: This group discussion will center around utilities and subscriptions related to your home.
- Format: Online
- Compensation: $175 choice of digital gift cards
- Duration: 2 hours
- Study dates: 9/24-9/25
- Requirements: You must have a computer with a webcam. A tablet or smartphone will not work for this study.
- Apply here: Discussion on Home Needs

- Technology Study
- Type: 1-on-1 interview and online surveys
- Description: This research group wants your feedback on technology. The study will run for a few months and will consist of both surveys and interviews to hear your opinions.
- Format: Online
- Compensation: Up to $400 (mailed by check after the study is complete)
- Duration: 1 hour
- Study dates: September-December
- Requirements: You must have a computer with a webcam.
- Apply here: Technology Study

- Financial Services Study
- Type: Interview
- Description: Do you want to share your opinions about financial services that you are currently using? This research group wants to hear about it.
- Format: Online
- Compensation: $150
- Duration: 1 hour
- Study dates: September
- Requirements: You must have a computer with a webcam.
- Apply here: Financial Services Study

- Credit Card Debt Study
- Type: Interview
- Description: These researchers are looking for people to share their thoughts and experiences regarding credit card debt.
- Format: Online
- Compensation: $100
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Study dates: September
- Requirements: You must be 21 or older.
- Apply here: Credit Card Debt Study

Get Involved Today! Your participation helps advance innovation and can lead to new discoveries and solutions. Choose a study that fits your interests and apply directly through the links provided.